Health care

A woman says she is avoiding going to the doctor after being told she has a ‘fat man’s body’ during an examination.

For many people, a trip to the doctor often comes with anxiety and worry about weight. It’s no secret that the health care system in this country and elsewhere around the world is often biased towards certain body sizes.

That’s the case for a woman named Kelsie, a Brisbane-based content creator who shared a TikTok video about why she doesn’t have a good time at the doctor’s office, and her distaste for how doctors often talk about his weight. .

She vehemently avoids the doctor after being told she has a ‘fat man’s body’ during an examination.

Kelsie explained that whenever she talks to her male friends about their visits to the doctor, they usually never have a bad experience. They are able to organize all of their needs, while many of Kelsie’s female friends, including herself, are often very different.

“Last week I went to the doctor, and I just wanted a ‘script’ for the medication I’m already taking to treat PCOS,” Kelsie recalled, talking about the not- enough normal hormones that contribute to irregular periods in women and people with a uterus. . One of the most common symptoms of PCOS is weight gain.

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It was meant to be a simple and straightforward meeting, and for the most part, Kelsie admitted that she had an amazing gynecologist that she saw regularly, but she was on maternity leave, so Kelsie was unable to see him during this recent visit.

It’s also counterintuitive that women would prefer to see other women when it comes to medical visits and other tests, especially given how much women have to speak up for themselves in the health care system when it comes to of getting the care they need.

According to a survey by YouGov, women were more likely to say they preferred to be treated by a gynecologist. Almost half (46%) of women chose this answer, compared to just 15% of men.

Due to the absence of her regular doctor, Kelsie had to see the next available doctor, who happened to be a male doctor. “I go to the doctor, I ask for a ‘script,’ and he says, ‘Oh no,’ and then he weighs me and starts telling me how much weight I’ve gained.”

Kelsie realized it was normal, especially when she was being seen by a male doctor. Usually, doctors should ask if you want to talk about weight, and they should not use harmful words or shame the patient about their previous weight. Unfortunately, Kelsie’s doctor didn’t seem to get the memo.

“I’m getting an education about the weight I’ve gained and that what I’m taking for PCOS won’t be enough because I have a ‘fat body,'” she continued, repeating – repeat that, his doctor told him.

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Kelsie’s doctor told her she wasn’t in ‘good shape’ and should consider losing some pounds.

She also said that the only reason she was in the doctor’s office before was for a small piece of paper that would allow her to fill her PCOS medication. What he didn’t come to the doctor for was being abused and no longer having the right to talk about his weight and his body.

“The thing is, I can handle it. I’m laughing about it now because I’ve stopped crying. But the thing is, the next time I have to go to the doctor, this is what I’m thinking. I strongly avoid the doctor because of situations like this,” Kelsie insisted.

“No matter what’s wrong with me, no matter what I need at the time, I don’t have the right to the same health care that a man has the right to get or a person entitled to a straight man because of the way the doctor looks to me.”

Kelsie expressed that it is ridiculous that she has to avoid actively seeking care even though she lives in Australia, where their health services are more popular than other places, especially the United States.

Weight stigma in the health care system has become a global issue.

The survey, according to CNN, found that between 63% and 74% of people interviewed in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the UK and the US felt belittled because of their weight when visiting doctor for health care.

In all six countries, people who internalized that stigma or blamed themselves for their weight were more likely to avoid health care. Things like BMI charts, which doctors use to measure a patient based on the ratio of body weight to height squared, are very outdated and don’t really say anything about weight. they are human.

“The common view is that a little shame or stigma might motivate people to lose weight, but that’s not what we see in the research,” Rebecca Puhl, lead author of the two studies. new on the topic told CNN. people have weight stigma, this actually contributes to poor eating behaviour, reduced physical activity and weight gain.”

The sad truth is that fear has permeated our culture and society so that we cannot escape even when we go to the doctor, where we should feel safe, heard, and consoled.

RELATED: A psychiatrist shares the one thing he wishes he could tell his patients about mental health, but often doesn’t.

Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based writer, news, and lifestyle writer whose work focuses on contemporary issues and experiences.

#woman #avoiding #doctor #told #fat #mans #body #examination

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